Representation & Agents

From time to time, casting agents like to visit Showtime to seek out our rising stars.
Every agent has a different take on what they are looking for.
Sometimes they seek keen singers and dancers for musical theatre, or strong actors for the RSC and at other times they look for a great smile or comedic eyes for a TV ad. We just never know.
So the best preparation for these visiting agents is simply to be yourself and have fun.
Of course some castings are for a specific role and you may be asked to prepare for the audition by learning a song or monologue. Showtime teachers have all been here before and can offer lots of help choosing an audition piece, rehearsing and most importantly enjoying the experience.
Questions? In the first instance call Melinda on 01732 430 300 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in confidence.
And of course, if you prefer not to be put forward for castings just let us know.